October 3, 2010
IB learner profiles
They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points
of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.
They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.
(Note: These definitions are taken from http://sites.google.com/a/sph-sentul.net/personal-project-journal/Home/information/ib-learner-profile)
In math class, we learn about logarithms, lon, and mathematical induction. One important assessment that we did is an assessment on logarithm that is use for monitoring. I have no idea how I did with this test but because the grades are not yet distributed but I think I did good enough looking at the answers that I have. I can improve my grades by do more practices. Through practice, we will get used to it. The work sample relates to the IB learner profile ‘knowledgeable’ because when doing a test, we are supposed to pour the knowledge that we have about it. It is not an open book test so; we need to remember the formulas also. (The picture beside is the test, but there is no result yet)
PE and Activities
We have basketball for PE this quarter because we need to prepare for the basketball monitoring. By having basketball for PE, it helps me individually to increase my skills in basketball. Basketball program could be link to the IB learner profile ‘inquirers’ because we are developing our skills by trying different styles and actions when playing together.

The activity that I chose for Tuesday is basketball but then, for the first one month in this quarter, I need to join math tutor for math ICAS preparation. On Thursday, the activity that I chose is visual art but then, for the first two months in this quarter, I need to join science tutor for science ICAS preparation. Therefore, I think there is no work sample for my activity but the tutors that I did could be link to the IB learner profile ‘knowledgeable’ because it needs a good depth of knowledge and we develop our understanding through practicing ICAS questions.
In civics class, we learn using the book called “Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk SMA kelas XI” this quarter, we focuses on the chapter “Hakikat Bangsa dan Negara”. The assessment that we get is from the book, but the result of it is not return yet. I think I did kind-a well since it is also an open book and some of the questions are multiple choices so that it is easier for me. I can improve by doing more reading at my own time if the materials/chapter is not finished yet during class. This class links to the IB learner profile ‘knowledgeable’ because in the test, we need to show our knowledge and understanding that we have and use it for the test.
In music class this quarter, we learn about an Indonesian composer named Cornel Simanjuntak. The things that we did are making presentation about the composer, creating the score, presenting the score, and make reflections (DW). I choose the picture of the score that my partner and I create because I found that making scores are challenging and needs patients but then, I figure out I could finish it with all the supports and helps I got. I can improve by making the score more complicated so there would be more variety. This work sample relate to the IB learner profile ‘knowledgeable’ because here, we should have the basic knowledge of what a score is then develop it by trying making it. It is actually kind-a simple because we are allowed to use software to make it.

For humanities class, we did several things connected to China and Indonesia. Some of the things we did include making performance, poster, and essay. Since there is no grade given yet, I choose the poster that I make as the work sample because here, I really put my effort and I am satisfy with the result that I make. I can improve by adding more details to the poster and have clearer message on the images use. This sample relates to the aspect of the IB learner profile ‘knowledgeable’ because when we make the poster, we need to brainstorm our ideas and understanding and pour it out to the poster in the end. (The picture beside is the picture of my poster)
Biblical Studies
In biblical studies class, we are discussing based on John 1 – 7. Our assignment is to make a reflective essay based on it and connect it to our lives. Another work that we have to make is a campaign poster that promotes about Jesus. I choose the reflective essay as the work sample because it shows more on my personal feelings and the knowledge that I have about it. I can improve my work by making it more reflective by making the opinion deeper. This work relates to the IB learner profile ‘knowledgeable’ because in the essay, I show the knowledge that I have about different perspective of how John view Jesus and other religion in Indonesia view Jesus.
Bahasa Indonesia
We read a book called “Burung-Burung Manyar” for Indonesian class. Not only reading, we also had to make a creative writing that somehow links to the book. The kind of creative writing that I choose is making a diary from the perspective of one of the characters. I choose this creative writing as the work sample of my best work because this is something that is important and graded based on all criteria in bahasa class. What I did well in this essay is being able to deliver the message and have good content in it. I can improve by being more careful with my writing (spelling errors, capital letters, punctuation mark, and many more). This work sample relates to the IB learner profile ‘knowledgeable’ because it requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the book itself. In this case, I need to be able to feel as if I am the character and pour out the possible feelings that might happen.
In English class, we do two major assignments that link with Indonesian artist/authors. One of the assignment is making an essay about how Indonesian artists/authors affected Indonesian culture. The second assignment was to make an opinion speech based on the essay that we have written. I choose this essay as the work sample because this is the major assignment for the quarter. The score that I got is 7/8 for both criteria assessed (criteria C and D). I feel satisfy with what I have achieve this quarter and hoping to make more improvement for the following quarters. This sample relate to the aspect of the IB learner profile which is ‘inquirers’ because we are supposed to do research and when doing research, we will came up with different curiosity (the things that we need to cover or things that we want to know). By this way, writing an essay relates to the IB learner profile Inquirers.
Science this quarter is somehow mixed up due to the facility that we have. We are supposed to have an experiment about the properties of water but then, the science lab was renovated so the experiment was kind-a postponed. When we are waiting for the room, we learn about DNA and had one assignment, which is to make an essay about DNA profiling and link it to Cambodia. After some confusion, we finally had the chance to run our experiment in two-class period. Not only doing it, we also had to make a lab report in the end. I choose my DNA profiling essay as the work sample because this quarter, we learn more about DNA instead of the properties of water. This essay is mark for criteria A and B but I personally do not know my score because we have not get it back. I choose this as my work sample because DNA is the major topic that we cover this quarter. I have put my effort to the essay and hoping to see good result. This work relate to the IB learner profile ‘inquirers’ because we are using our researching skills to find information about DNA profiling. The research leads me to be more curios to explore more about DNA profiling because it is something interesting for me.
Design Technology (DT)

In Design Technology (DT) class, we are supposed to promote Indonesian textile in our own way. The way of promotion that I choose is to make a poster and several possible design of how to use the cloth. The province that I got is Lampung. I find this assignment interesting and challenging but gladly I could finish my work. I have submitted the first three criteria (A, B, C) and got my predicted grade for it. For criteria A, I got a 4/6 while for criteria B and C I got a 5/6. This score is quite satisfying for me and I hope I could improve it for the final grade. Therefore, this is the poster result of my work done this quarter. I chose this poster because it is the result of my product. This work links to the IB learner profile ‘inquirers’ because before I can finish up with my final result, I also need to do some investigation at first. In the investigation process, it includes researching skills that uses different kind of guiding questions that leads us through the research process.
Hey! This is my digital portfolio. First, my name is Jessica from grade 10.3b. Well, here is grade ten. This year, my homeroom teacher is Mrs. Diane. One thing that is different in grade 10 is personal project (PP) but this is not a part of the subjects in school because we need to do it at our own time. The focus of this digital portfolio for grade 10 is the IB learner profiles but we focus on different profiles for different quarters. In quarter one, we focus on Inquirers and Knowledgeable; in quarter two Thinkers and Communicators; in quarter three Principled, Open Minded, and Caring; while in quarter four Risk Takers, Balanced and Reflective. We learn so many things in different subjects this quarter. The subjects that links with the IB learner profile ‘Inquirers’ are: Design technology, Science, English, and PE; while the subjects that links with the IB learner profile ‘Knowledgeable’ are: Humanities, Biblical studies, Bahasa Indonesia, Music, Math, Civics, and activities. My goal for this quarter is to try my best in every subject and get at least a four for the report card scores. Looking at the prediction grade, I have not achieved my goal but this is just the prediction grade in the middle first quarter. I hope my grades would increase for the actual grade this quarter. My goal for the next quarter is to achieve at least a five for my report card scores.